Textiles axis

Project : VLAN, Valorisation des textiles, Recyclage, recyclabilité et réutilisation

Jannick Duchet Rumeau, Professor (IMP – INSA – Université de Lyon)
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Anne Perwuelz, Professor Emeritus (GEMTEX – ENSAIT – Université de Lille)
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Launch date : 01/02/2023
Reference : ANR-22-PERE-0006

The aim of this project is to propose different solutions so that each textile can have the most optimal end-of-life recovery according to its own technical, aesthetic and emotional characteristics.

The molecular solution consists in developing PET-based Covalent Adaptable Networks (CANs) for the implementation of eco-designed fibers and the recovery of polyester textile waste. These polymers are based on transesterification by reactive extrusion with epoxies in the presence or absence of ionic liquids.

At the level of textile materials, a decision-support tool for recycling choices will be developed. It is based on a detailed analysis of the fabrics contained in the deposits, including their structure, potential recycling routes and degradation. Criteria are developed and associated with descriptions of recycling processes. At the level of textile objects, the project takes into account the intrinsic qualities and values of objects and those perceived by consumers. Echoing the material revalorization processes, a socio-cultural analysis of the mechanisms by which consumers discard textile objects is carried out. This enables us to understand their practices in terms of recycling domestic waste. The textile designer’s point of view makes it necessary to predict its aspects, by characterizing and exploiting them as “material for creation”. This area examines different ways of overcycling, equipping them with creative tools.

Keywords: Textile, PET, vitrimers, deposits, decision support, LCA, overcycling, quality, value, neglect


Our researches

Material by Design at molecular scale 

  • Enhancing the value of recycled PET
  • Designing recyclable PET by introducing dynamic bonds
  • Synthesis of dynamic ionic bonds
  • Structure-property relationships of eco-designed and recyclable PET
  • Feasibility of spinning these polymers

Safe and Sustainable Recycling and transformation processes of textiles
Ludovic KOEHL, GEMTEX, Roubaix

  • Mapping of end-of-life textile-clothing recovery routes (point 1)
  • Socio-cultural analysis of consumer mechanisms for discarding textile objects (point 2)
  • Definitions, prioritization and determination of weighting factors for the criteria used to assess end-of-life textile-clothing recovery routes (point 3)
  • Implementation of a decision-support tool on near-optimal recovery routes for textiles-clothing based on the criteria in point 3.

At textile Object Scale, Safe & Sustainable design-led textile upcycling 
Jean-François BASSEREAU, ENSADLab Paris

  • Predictive pre-model for the evolution of natural dyes as a creative material (first POC)
  • Architecture of the chromo chronological color chart as a creation tool in textile design
  • Super-cycling experimentation on creative materials (values and sensory qualities) for textile objects to extend their premiere (3 POC projects).

Key numbers





2.025 M€

Total budget


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